Here's How To Take Your Vision Board To The Next Level
First and foremost, I'm not sure who needs to read this but this past year should not be the reason why you've decided to lower your goals…
Inspiring Women Share What 2020 Taught Them About Gratitude
It's a wrap, y'all. Can you believe 2020 is almost over? We have officially entered my favorite season of the year which, for many of us, between…
I Was Lost In The Journey To Becoming My Dream Self
At the forefront of my mind remains the image of my dream self---the ideal and successful version of me I long to grow into…
The Idea Of Being Self-Made Is A Myth
Disclaimer: the following content may hurt your self-centered feelings. I acknowledge responsibility for any awareness or outpouring…
Letting Go Of Perfection Helped Me Live My Purpose
Perfection (noun): the state of being complete and correct in every way. As a writer, I like the challenge of picking words that best…